
Morris Rutherglen Signature Single Malt Australian Whisky 700mL

The Signature expression shows bright topaz hues on appearance which open a door to orchard fruit profiles, macerated black cherry and biscuit notes balancing the zest of marmalade jam, lingering cocoa and dark-berry flavours. Prize winning fortified barrels impart an unrivalled finish of intense dried fruit with a supremely rich depth of character. COLOUR: Bright Topaz Hues NOSE: Orchard fruit profiles, macerated black cherry and biscuit notes. PALATE: Extremely well rounded with a pleasant mouth feel. Zesty marmalade jam, lingering cocoa and dark-berry flavours. FINISH: Prize winning fortified barrels impart an unrivalled finish of intense dried fruit with a supremely rich depth of character that lingers on the palate.

$85.00 per bottle
$100.99 each