Terms and Conditions
Available at times between Wednesday 12th March, 2025 until Tuesday 18th March, 2025, unless sold out earlier or as updated on product listing or in-store. Savings based on our Sydney metropolitan sell price. Advertised savings may vary in some stores, as some products may already be priced below the metropolitan sell price. Some online sell prices for loose produce are calculated and shown as the price for each individual item rather than as a price per kilo. Limits per customer may apply, trade not supplied. Products, Specials and Lower Autumn Price/Everyday Low Price may not be available at Woolworths Metro, Woolworths Online (including Everyday Market from Woolworths), Food for Less stores, at NSW Stores; Albion Park, Baulkham Hills, Belconnen, Bondi Junction, Calwell, Campbelltown Mall, Carlingford, Carnes Hill, Casula, Charlestown Square, Chester Hill, Conder, Dee Why, Double Bay, Dural, Emerton, Emu Plains, Fairfield, Fairy Meadow, Frenchs Forest, Glenwood, Glenrose, Green Valley, Greystanes, Hornsby, Kellyville North, Kingsgrove, Kippax, Lake Munmorah, Lane Cove, Leeton, Leichhardt Marketplace, Macquarie Ryde, Marrickville, Menai, Mortdale, Mt Druitt, Neutral Bay, Newcastle West, Prospect, Rockdale, Roselands, Salamander Bay, Sylvania, Thornleigh, Town Hall, Warriewood, West Ryde, Wetherill Park, or Woden and are not available through MILKRUN. Products, Specials and Lower Autumn Price/Everyday Low Price on beverages does not apply to ACT stores. Products and prices may not be available in all stores. While stocks last.